RetroNick: Games Collector // Episode 78: Summer Blockbuster Showdown
Episode 78: Summer Blockbuster Showdown
Recorded on: 12 April 2014
A pretty light cast gathers to talk about summer blockbusters of yore. If you think ID4 was a better movie than Jurassic Park, you may have to get your head examined, or be part of the same helmet and water wing wearing crowd that James & Ben belong to ;P.
Your cast: Nick, James, and Ben
Drinking Rules! Drink every time someone gets something wrong (really any time the greatness of Jurassic Park is doubted).
We’re also available on iTunes! #KermitFlail Please check out our Podcast in iTunes and, if you like it, Give us some STARS! Feel free to leave comments about the shows, the hosts, or your favorite games!
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As always you can listen to the podcast here: