RetroNick: Games Collector // Esoteric Retrospective
Rollin’ with the Commodores.
Most of us at some point or another will make their way to Hawaii. It’s picturesque beaches, picture perfect sunsets, and clear star filled skies are what usually draw us all in. But seldom do we get to say “I brought home an R&B/Funk group from 1968!”. Well, I can’t say that either, but I can tell you about how... Read more
Holiday Gaming
Ahh, the winter holidays… It’s that time of year again when the temperatures drop and gamers everywhere begin to shut themselves in with their favorite past time. In the interest of not sounding incredibly shallow for the remainder of this entry, the holidays are obviously about many more important things like family, personal introspection and goa... Read more
Esoteric Retrospective: On the Outside Loo...
I was six years old in 1989, and one of three children. With our Atari 2600, and Ultra Pong Doubles machines losing their luster, the three of us began clambering for a new game console. Our choice? The Nintendo Entertainment System of course. Read more