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How do you listen? (We wanna know!)
Hey all! Your favorite internet wage slave Steve here with some burning questions for your heated ears! Read more
Holiday Gaming
Ahh, the winter holidays… It’s that time of year again when the temperatures drop and gamers everywhere begin to shut themselves in with their favorite past time. In the interest of not sounding incredibly shallow for the remainder of this entry, the holidays are obviously about many more important things like family, personal introspection and goa... Read more
Caption this Crap! Week 31
What do you get when you cross Xena Warrior Princess with Xanadu? The latest Caption this Crap, of course! Seriously though, I coveted this game when I was a boy because it used the CD add-on… that I also coveted. CAPTION THIS CRAP, PUNY MORTALS! Read more
Gain Ground Review
My first experience with Gain Ground came a few years back when I picked up Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection. I’m not sure what possessed me to try out this particular game because I had never heard of it before and the ambiguous title did little to detail what kind of gameplay I could expect. Whatever the reason, I’m certainly glad... Read more
Caption this Crap! Week 30
So it took awhile for Nintendo to truly understand that while Mario made it ok to try to save a kingdom using magical drug references, it only worked for him. Today’s caption is for Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs…I get the feeling they were probably cut with something a bit stronger considering the dragon climbing...... Read more