Image of the Actual Worki...
photos of the actual working draft for Episode 8? Say it ain't so!
Belford! What’s goi...
allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>Ok! No doubt you, the loyal listeners of ...
Rollin’ with the Co...
Most of us at some point or another will make their way to Hawaii. It’s picturesque ...
RetroNick: Games Collector // LATEST POSTS
Duke Nukem Forever
If you're like me, you are probably in your mid-twenties to early thirties and you have a beard because you're fuckin' manly, and if you don't, grow one (Otherwise you're like Woody Harrelson over there and should just stop reading now).
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Dune Rage
How many Dune fans out there play video games? Can't be too many, most of what Cryo developed was Dune titles and that company went out of business some time ago. Obviously Handsome Tom, and the fine folks at TheGameHeroes don't seem to pay attention to either Dune or games in general.
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A Big Bad Christmas
Alright, I know what you're thinking so let's get this out of the way first and foremost. I did not just go out and buy this thing willy-nilly. I got some Paypal money and ebay gift cards for Christmas so I helped myself to this bad boy.
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Megarace and the Stink of Failure (mine)
Call it what you want, I'm not here to sugar-coat anything. The fact is that I have not and most likely will not ever beat Megarace. I could only run through the same familiar tracks so many times before I would eventually get sick of this thing and pack it in.
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Megarace: About the Game
So Megarace came out in 1993. An age when 3D was in it's infancy, full motion video was the current craze, and virtual reality was the future. This game encompasses all three of these and creates a sort of Frankenstein's monster of an experience.
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