Image of the Actual Worki...
photos of the actual working draft for Episode 8? Say it ain't so!
Belford! What’s goi...
allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>Ok! No doubt you, the loyal listeners of ...
Rollin’ with the Co...
Most of us at some point or another will make their way to Hawaii. It’s picturesque ...
RetroNick: Games Collector // LATEST POSTS
Walmart Glitch Prices Will Not Be Honored
Count yourself among the lucky people to snag an $8 computer monitor, or a $1500 treadmill for a measly $33.16 yesterday? Well don’t count your lucky stars just yet! Seems even Walmart won’t be able to bear this kind of financial loss and is currently sending notices like the one above to the countless customers who took advantage of wh...
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Caption this Crap! Week 27
Captain Keepin’ it on Track here with another edition of Caption this Crap! This week, we try to answer the eternal question that has plagued mankind for ages – are you a cat person, or a dog person? If the former, and can look past the coughing up of hairballs, the constant food regurgitation, the whining for attention, and the...
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Comments Off on Episode 56: Holy Bat-Trivia Batman!
Episode 56: Holy Bat-Trivia Batman!
Recorded on: 1 September 2013 A show chock-full of new beginnings! This episode features the introductions of broadcasting over Google Hangouts, RetroNick Radio: The Comic, and Thrift Store Trivia, the game where we (and in the future, YOU), can compete for a grand prize totaling around $5. Don’t laugh! Turns out you can buy a lot of cool shi...
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Atlus Games To Publish Tesla Effect
One question that Tex Murphy fans have had on their mind since the Project Fedora Kickstarter was announced (and trust me, we have ALL asked it), is who will Big Finish Games get to publish the next anticipated entry in the series? That question was answered last Wednesday when Chris Jones sent out this email to the Tex Murphy Mutant League:
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Caption this Crap! Week 26
Nothing like a hideous coverbox being placed within the layout of a hideous coverbox. Remind you of anything current? Introducing the Sega Classic edition of Tommy Lasorda Baseball! Go on world. CAPTION THIS CRAP! Who knows? You might hear your funny smeared all over the RetroNick Radio airwaves.
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